From your original plan we still have to finish the documentation stuff,
right? Maybe we can also include the reorganized directory layout. But
that will take another week or two, I guess. Especially because I'd like
to leave Jörg a chance to voice his opinion. Until then I will be able
to include my tutorial.

BTW: Anybody around with experience in CVS surgery???

On 27.11.2002 12:30:36 Christian Geisert wrote:
> Rhett Aultman wrote:
>  > Guys,
>  >
>  > I finally got myself out from under my grad school apps long
>  > enough to employ a patch that helps nerf certain kinds of
>  > infinite loops in the maintenance branch of FOP.
>  > I'd like to see it go into the final release of the maintenance
> [..]
>  > Is the Thanksgiving deadline for patches and whatnot strictly
>  > in effect? If so, I'll see about hauling buns to get this together.
> Huh? Never heard of a Thanksgiving deadline.
> I don't even know when Thanksgiving is .. asking Google .. ah
> it's on the fourth Thursday in November (i.e. tomorrow).
> My plan was to apply one last small patch later today and
> then ask for a freeze.
> As much as I would like to finish this release the patch
> should IMHO make it into this last maintenance release.
> Other opinions?

Jeremias Maerki

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