On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 13:01, Peter B. West wrote:
> There is an implication in what you are saying that you do have the 
> direction forward for the FO processor "internalised", so to speak,
> and 
> that a complete FO processor is, as Christian says, just a matter of 
> time.  I, and I suspect Arved, wonder why that is not clear to
> everyone. 
>   You have a great track record in FOP over a long period, and if you 
> insist that the redesign is moving towards completion, I would be 
> inclined to believe you, but I do need to be shown how.  Arved also
> has 
> a great track record over many years in FOP, and Arved seems to be 
> skeptical.

Please define "redesign".
The following things are at least better than anywhere else: area tree,
image handling, pdf lib, svg, renderer. Fo tree is better than the
maintanence branch.

If you are referring to the layout then I can't say that it is anywhere
near completion, but in general it is currently better than the
maintanence branch. (lack of a number of features and missing words

It seems to me that a lot of the arguments are of this type:

As far as I am concerned it is largely irrelevant whether the particular
layout design is 100% correct. Yes it is extermely important and will be
best tackled by breaking it down into smaller problems. But so far I
have only heard arguments against two methods in the layout managers,
getting breaks and reset.

Sure it probably would be helpful to design a layout algorithm isolated
from all the other stuff and that is something that someone could
Believe me, I can find plenty of other things to do that have no
relation to the layout.

Still, from my perspective it is a high priority to get it to a level
similar to the maintanence branch, this will make fixing bugs,
responding to users, integration with other projects documentation etc.
a lot easier. Then to move forward from there.

> In any case, I would like to be able to make useful suggestions
> concerning the redesign.  I have many times in the past expressed the
> genuine hope for the success of FOP by whatever path, and I had never,
> until recently, even suggested that anyone commit to alt.design over
> the
> HEAD redesign.  I cannot, however, commit to a design that I either do
> not understand, or do not have any confidence in.  Who can?

If all you care about is a perfect layout then that is reasonable, then
reduce the problem/difference to the layout. Most users care more about
lots of other issues. Catering for these users will help us IMHO.

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