Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> I've just restyled our style guide draft for the ApacheWiki and would
> like to finalize this within the next two weeks. I will then clean up
> the page and call for a vote. Given we reach consensus I will then
> convert the Wiki page to XML and put it on our website.

I just now added the following item to the "XML code conventions" section:

<-- start -->
Regarding "pretty-printing", it is preferred that XML files contain lines no
longer than 80 characters. Wrap lines in the same tag to the beginning of
the line, regardless of the indentation for the beginning of the element.
Consider placing a newline between sentences to minimize the number of
deltas resulting from pretty-printing.
<-- end -->

It is styled as a suggestion, and it may be debatable at that. If it creates
any controversy, I don't mind removing it. I have just gotten done wrestling
with what standards we should use for our in-house XML files. The main issue
is the usefulness of diffs between different versions of the file. If a long
element is all on one line, it is difficult to see where the delta is.

Sorry for the late entry -- I had decided to stay out of the style issue.
However, I think this is worth addressing.

Victor Mote

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