On 12.01.2003 04:59:36 Jeff Turner wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 05:43:37PM +0100, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Hi Jeff
> > 
> > I've applied your patches locally. Thanks. Everything's ok with the
> > first one, but with the second one I'm having problems (not your fault!):
> > - I had to add adjust the inline DTD of skinconf.xml to include the role
> >   attribute:
> >   <!ELEMENT credit (name, url, image, width?, height?)>
> >   <!ATTLIST credit role CDATA #IMPLIED>
> Oops yes, sorry.  Attached is a fix with DTD mods.

Applied, thanks.

> > - The credit element produces a rather ugly FOP logo.
> If you upgrade your Forrest, the logo won't appear[1].  The @role="pdf"
> in skinconf.xml means the credit only applies to PDFs.  Earlier versions
> of Forrest didn't know about this, so rather than display a broken image,
> I threw in the current FOP logo.

Ok, I've upgraded Forrest again and the logo disappeared.

Jeremias Maerki

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