Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Hi Peter

On 25.01.2003 03:30:19 Peter B. West wrote:


How about using a popup window instead of the frames approach?
(Disclaimer: Don't know a lot about HTML/JavaScript and such)


That was my first attempt. I used th <fork/> tag, well supported in Forrest. However, I found teh results cumbersome, which is why, in spite of the problems, I have gone for the frames solution.

The more immediate problem is that I can't get the website to update correctly. I have done an update, the necessary adds and the commit on the site; cvs status tells me that the files are all up-to-date, yet when I do an update on the site itself, I get a Not Found when I try to access the fop/design/ Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

I have tried to figure it out, but no luck here either. CVS looks ok.
Everything works locally. I can only imagine that something went wrong
with the synchronization of icarus and daedalus.
cvs update -d

The default cvs settings do not include a -d, so the new directory was not being updated. Now to find out how to make this work with IE, or IE 6 at least .

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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