On 02.02.2003 05:38:27 Peter B. West wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > On 01.02.2003 00:16:30 Peter B. West wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>Should we reserve a directory on the web site for storing diagrams which 
> >>find their way into the Wiki?
> > 
> > 
> > +0. The other possibility is to put it in the public_html folder of your
> > cvs.apache.org account.
> Even though I don't have any appropriate tools for such at the moment, I 
> should like the diagrams to be editable to the same extent as the text. 
>   I don't comprehend design discussions without diagrams.  In order to 
> do this, we need somewhere accessible, not necessarily on the web-site, 
> to drop these things.  Can they be fitted within the Wiki structure?

I'm not a Wiki-specialist, but at least the current Wiki implementation
doesn't support uploading of images. A thing like that could be proposed
on the community mailing list.

Anyway, there's an easy way to upload files to your public_html
directory, for example with scp (or pscp if you use the putty package).

I can do:
pscp C:\Temp\mypic.png [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/x1/home/jeremias/public_html

Jeremias Maerki

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