
Great! Thanks for the recommendation... indeed I had an older version of Batik sneaking into the build; tricky jars :-) In case anyone has this trouble in the future, I was able to figure out which jar was being loaded by editing the build.xml file line 401 from:

<javac destdir="${build.dest}" debug="${debug}" deprecation="${deprecation}" optimize="${optimize}">

to be:

<javac verbose="true" destdir="${build.dest}" debug="${debug}" deprecation="${deprecation}" optimize="${optimize}">

Now, the compile is going through but I'm hanging on SerializeHyphPattern (here's the dump...):

[echo] Compiling the sources
[javac] Compiling 7 source files to /Users/bkylberg/Projects/xml-fop/build/classes






file:/Users/bkylberg/Projects/xml-fop/build.xml:446: taskdef class cannot be found

I noticed that Sam Ruby had a similar problem and Jeremias apparently corrected it; but I'm not sure how. Any recommendations?

-- Bob

On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 06:40 PM, Keiron Liddle wrote:


I'm new to FOP, just joined the mailing list and I'm not sure what
exactly is going on so I'd *really* appreciate it if someone could
explain how to build FOP from the latest src (if it is even possible).
I've been unable to build FOP from the src archive as of 3/11. A couple
of the error messages I get are:

I just did a build and it seems fine.
The problem appears to be the version of batik that you have in the classpath.
The batik javadocs you are refering to below are from june and are probably
Make sure you are using the version of batik from cvs and there is no other batik
in the classpath.

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