Peter B. West wrote:
> Bertrand is probably in the best position to comment wrt RTF.  Is anyone 

> familiar with MIF.  Does it simply define page structures and flows?

I'm roughly familiar with MIF - did some rough HTML to MIF conversion 
years ago.

Basically MIF is structured text that is annotated with stylenames, which 
needn't even by defined in the MIF (but can, if I remember correctly).

As for the general discussion on renderer types: IMO, it's a mistake to 
mangle "renderers" that produce formatted page-level output like PDF or 
PostScript with "renderers" that produce flow output in other formatting 
languages, like HTML, RTF or MIF. The latter is rather a conversion step, 
and you would need not the area tree but rather the FO element tree to do 
a good conversion.

Fundamentally, I think these two different kinds of "renderer tasks" just 
have two things in common: a parser and an FO element tree, and that's it.

So my suggestion would be to implement only formatted output in FOP and 
refactor the other outputs into a separate tool. If you need a clear 
differentiation between the renderer types, you might take this one: do I 
need to know the size of a glyph in a certain font/size to produce the 
output? If yes, the appropriate renderer goes into FOP, if not, it goes 
into a separate tool.

Just my 2 cents, of course.
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Arnd Beißner

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