On 23.06.2003 19:33:23 Clay Leeds wrote:
> On 6/23/2003 10:19 AM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Nice idea, but there's a problem. The xsl namespace gets filtered out by
> > the XSLT engine, or IOW expanded to the FO attributes before they reach
> > FOP. FOP never sees anything with the xsl: prefix.
> Does this mean that just about every fo:block in the intermediary FO 
> file (the one you can only see if you run xalan.bat instead) has a 
> cagillion font-weight="bold" and font-face="courier new, courier, 
> monospace"? Wow! Sounds inefficient, and tedious but I guess that's how 
> it goes...


> Speaking of which, how does the file created by '-at' differ from the 
> file generated by running xalan.bat?

That's the Area Tree XML: The layouted pages serialized to a proprietary
XML format. It's only interesting for debugging purposes (in layout
engine development).

Jeremias Maerki

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