Le Dimanche, 6 juil 2003, à 03:32 Europe/Zurich, Peter B. West a écrit :

...Speaking from blissful ignorance, I would speculate that the entries in .cvsignore must be ordinary files, not directories. CVS is going to navigate the tree anyway, but .cvsignore tells it what to do with the files it finds in each directory....

According to the CVS FAQ (http://www.loria.fr/cgi-bin/molli/ fom.cgi?_highlightWords=cvsignore&file=271) this is not the case, directories are indeed ignored.

...J.Pietschmann wrote:
the .cvsignore features a quite prominent "build" entry. However,
Eclipse thinks there is s lot of uncommitted stuff in this directory,
which I find annoying. Isn't it supposed to ignore this?...

it is - the .cvsignore from the current CVS works fine here with command-line CVS, "build" is ignored.


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