Thanks, Tom, for your quick assistance.  I didn't know
about the AWT threading issue you brought up.  

I went ahead and added explicit System.exit() commands
to in 1.0.  I was somewhat reluctant about
this though because others haven't been complaining
about this problem, and for some reason my computer at
home was just listing these three threads (instead of
the seven below) before exiting gracefully:

Thread[Java2D Disposer,10,main]

I'll leave the 0.20.x branch alone until others
complain about this problem, however.

Thanks again,

--- Thomas DeWeese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > index = 0 Thread = Thread[main,5,main]
> > index = 1 Thread = Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
> > index = 2 Thread =
> > Thread[SunToolkit.PostEventQueue-0,6,main]
> > index = 3 Thread = Thread[AWT-Windows,6,main]
> > index = 4 Thread =
> >
> > index = 5 Thread = Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
> > index = 6 Thread = Thread[Thread-2,5,main]
> > 

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