Wow! That's great! Better news than the Oscars even!

I guess it's not a shoo-in yet, but it certainly was a pleasant surprise logging in this morning with a 'popular' (read lots of replies...) message and a bunch of +1s attached!

Perhaps I might even pick up a Java book and figure out how to add command line parameters to FOP (I'm hoping I won't have to figure out the issue that Glen and Andreas raised[1] in February, though...:-p).

Thanks for the votes of confidence! I look forward to serving the FOP community in any way that I can (and right now, I guess that means as the Web Maestro!)...

Web Maestro Clay


On Feb 29, 2004, at 1:10 PM, Glen Mazza wrote:

Waxing chutzpaic, I'd like us to try again to make
Clay a committer on this project.  You may recall his
committership didn't pass last December (I can't
remember who blocked it, it might have been Jeremias
;-), but especially with the loss of Victor, I think
it's becoming increasingly evident our need for a 'Web
Maestro' to take care of our site.

He has been putting in a remarkably solid, loyal
effort for our project since Nov. 2002 [1], and also
has made himself known to Forrest-Dev on issues
regarding our site--most recently, in fixing the pesky
breadcrumb [2] problem for us.  He has also been a
leading evangelist on the commercial usage of FOP on
the FOP-user site [3], hence a welcome inspiration for
both us developers and our users.

The updates and issues he has brought up to us this
week, I'm sure he would be happy to take care of for
us, just as soon as we provide him write access.  I
also hope he develops a psychological "concept of
ownership" of our website over time, resulting in it
looking increasingly top-notch.

So let me start off the voting: +1.



[2] Those are the unresolved
"" links at the top of our
home page.


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