Clay Leeds wrote:

Perhaps I might even pick up a Java book and figure out how to add command line parameters to FOP (I'm hoping I won't have to figure out the issue that Glen and Andreas raised[1] in February, though...:-p).

Sure, you'll have plenty of Java coding experience if you wish--there is truly no end to it. (You may also wish to take a look at Cocoon, in particular (1) the page showing production sites using it, and (2) its interesting "Hello World" servlet, which shows the many output devices that Cocoon can use to render the phrase "Hello World". Besides giving you better insight in how FOP is used, Cocoon can be a powerful tool for those, like you, who already have XSLT and Web Design knowledge.)

Thanks for the votes of confidence! I look forward to serving the FOP community in any way that I can (and right now, I guess that means as the Web Maestro!)...

BTW, another fun thing on your plate--it would nice if you could also switch us from the blue Forrest skin [1] to the white one [2]--the latter looks much more sleeker/professional I think. Comments from others?


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