Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> The logging problem is a minor one. There's a wrapper for JCL 
> that easily wraps an Avalon Logger [1]. But that's obviously 
> the exact opposite of what you need. On the other side, 
> creating an implementation of Avalon's Logger interface that 
> wraps a JCL logger should be just as easy. Unfortunately, 
> such a class doesn't exist, yet, but that's written within 10 minutes.
> Let me explain why we switched from Avalon Logging to JCL. 
> Avalon Loggers are always passed from container to child 
> object (Inversion of Control). A class using a JCL logger 
> always fetches a logger from a factory. So the difference is 
> in acquiring a logger but there's also another aspect: With 
> Avalon Logger you can use different loggers on different 
> instances of the same class which you can't if you use the 
> normal JCL pattern of using a static variable for holding the logger.
> The static variable has certain advantages, too: You don't 
> need a variable on every object instance and you don't have 
> to pass Loggers all around in the system, which is 
> particularly problematic or at least cumbersome in FOP. JCL 
> makes many thing easier.
> But as I hinted above there's no problem connecting the two 
> approaches.
> Both are light-weight and therefore easy to handle.
> [1] 
> ns/logging/impl/AvalonLogger.html

Thanks for the explanation. I went to a lot of trouble in FOray, mostly
based on past conversations with you, to remove all such static-ish things,
and I probably won't do anything that would require a client application to
use anything like that. But maybe there are some other things that can be

Foray addresses the logging problem through its tree organization
(everything is a tree), and storing the Logger instance at the top of the
tree, each child node being able to get the Logger instance from its parent.
The only times it needs to get passed as a parameter is when moving from one
module to another. So, for example if PDFDocument is at the top of the tree
in the FOrayPDF module, it probably requires a Logger in its constructor,
but then makes it available to all of its children. In some cases (like
FOrayFont) it must be provided through an interface to keep the module as
independent as it needs.

During our previous Inversion of Control discussion, I briefly toyed with
the idea of having the FontConsumer provide a method *to do its own
logging*. So, rather than FontConsumer providing a Logger to FontServer
(which you did not like), it would instead provide something like:

        public void logMessage(String message, int messageLevel) ;

where messageLevel would indicate whether the message was debug, error,
warning, etc. The things I dislike about this are 1) it is YALP (yet another
logging protocol), which is what I understood Avalon to be trying to unify,
and 2) it requires the client side to write code that seems pretty
redundant. However, it is a pretty generic solution.

One alternative would be for FontServer and FontConsumer to both allow
Commons loggers as well as Avalon loggers, and for it to deal with the
wrapping, etc. If it will help and if there are no better ideas, I am
willing to do this.

Victor Mote

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