Vincent Hennebert wrote:

> Victor Mote a écrit :
> > I am ignoring font-stretch for now. I am unclear whether it works 
> > similarly to font-weight, or whether it is totally 
> resolvable in the FO Tree.
> > Interestingly, CSS 2.1 (the only version of CSS 2 still 
> available at 
> > W3C) removes font-stretch entirely!!??!!
> As I understand the spec, this works differently from 
> font-weight and can be resolved in the FO Tree: just select 
> the next expanded value for "wider" or next condensed for 
> "narrower". The font selection would be performed only after, 
> when it is time to decide e.g. which font the keyword 
> "semi-expanded" matches.
> That's true that it is an extra-feature that IMO can be 
> simulated with a good font configuration file.

Just to be clear, I understand your last sentence to be addressing a
different topic than the first part of this statement. That is, font
configuration won't be at all involved with the *resolution* of font-stretch
in what you have proposed. However, it may be involved from the standpoint
of implementing a resolved font-stretch value in that font-stretch could be
simulated using PostScript or PDF text parameters. Did I understand this

> > For font-weight, there seems to be some ambiguity in the 
> standard(s). 
> > There are two possibilities, and neither CSS 2.1 nor XSL-FO seem to 
> > resolve the
> > matter:
> > 
> > 1. Apply "bolder" and "lighter" to the inherited font to compute a 
> > weight that is applied to the selected font.
> > 2. Select the font, inheriting the weight from the inherited font, 
> > then applying "bolder" and "lighter" to that weight.
> I'd go with 1. Get the inherited font; find a darker one in 
> the fonts database; get its weight value. That's it.
> > In order to move forward, I suggest the addition of the following 
> > methods in
> > org.axsl.font.Font:
> > 
> >     public byte nextBolderWeight();
> >     public byte nextLighterWeight();
> >     public org.axsl.font.Font nextBolderFont();
> >     public org.axsl.font.Font nextLighterFont();
> > 
> > This will allow the client application (FOP) to use whichever 
> > algorithm it thinks is appropriate. The bad news is that this ties 
> > each registered font to exactly one font-family, something 
> I was hoping to avoid.
> That seems OK.
> The only interest I see for a font to belong to several 
> families is when there is a specific family (Times, 
> Helvetica) and a generic one (serif, sans-serif...). In this 
> case a generic family would be mapped to a specific one, and 
> I don't think your proposed methods prevents that. Otherwise 
> I don't see much interest to mix several families to build a 
> complete set. The result would be visually bad IMO.
> I may have missed something: I haven't studied that point yet.

I think you understand it perfectly. You are correct on all points: 1)
putting a font in multiple font families is not very important, 2) we can
still alias a font-family to another one.

> > There is another area complexity in font selection that has not yet 
> > been addressed, so I pose it here to Vincent and Manuel especially, 
> > and to any others who wish to comment. The whole issue of 
> whether the 
> > Font has a glyph for the character(s) has not yet been 
> addressed. The 
> > best idea I have for this is as follows:
> > 
> > 1. Add a char to the signature of 
> org.axsl.font.FontServer.selectFont. 
> > This char represents the first char of the text for which 
> the font is 
> > being selected. This allows the selection process to pass by a 
> > font-family if it cannot paint the character.
> So let's assume that I have a line of text to render. IIUC I 
> would use it like this:
> * first call with the first char of the text to get the font 
> that will be generally used
> * an additional call for each character for which there is no 
> glyph in the general font Is that what you mean?

I guess so. It doesn't sound elegant or efficient, but I haven't thought of
a better algorithm. Presumably the common case is that the first font
selected works for all of the text.

> > 2. Add the following method to org.axsl.font.Font:
> >     /**
> >      * Examines each character in string to ensure that a 
> glyph exists 
> > in the font for that
> >      * character. If a character has no glyph in the font, the 
> > character's index in string
> >      * is returned.
> >      * @return The index in string of its first character 
> for which no 
> > glyph exists in this
> >      * font. If all characters in the string have glyphs in 
> this font, 
> > -1 is returned.
> >      */
> >     public int unavailableChar(String string);
> > 
> >     Add also an overridden version of this method with 
> char[] as the 
> > parameter.
> Why not directly return an array of all indexes where there 
> is a missing glyph? 

OK. Probably in a separate method called unavailableChars.

> Or add a beginIndex parameter so that one doesn't have to 
> artificially recreate a String made of the initial String 
> minus all characters up to the first missing glyph?

Yes. That definitely needs to be there.

> > Between these two, I think an application should be able to 
> > efficiently subdivide a chunk of text based on the various 
> fonts that 
> > may need to be used to process it.
> In the long-term the font-selection-strategy will have to be 
> implemented. The preceding stuff may need to be completed.

For all of this, probably the best approach is for someone to do exactly
what you have done above: suggest changes to the interface that will provide
the information needed.

Victor Mote

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