On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 09:56 am, Christian Geisert wrote:
> Manuel Mall schrieb:
> [..]
> >>No hurry, I just meant to prepare everything (still problems with
> >>forrest) - and Manuel is already doing a lot of the work - the
> >> actual release isn't that much work and can be done later ...
> >
> > Sorry, didn't intend to steal your work Christian.
> Heh, I like it when others do my work ;-)
> [..]
> > BTW, I am aware the the files CHANGES and README in the top level
> > of all distributions are outdated and need revising before a proper
> > release.
> The CHANGES file was used only in the maintenance branch, for the
> trunk there was a status.xml which got nicely rendered into the
> website but this has been deleted sometime ago and then (some)
> changes where documented on the wiki.
> IMHO there should be a changes document (as part of the
> distribution), at least starting after the 1.0 release.

Yes there should - but for now: Just remove CHANGES and update README?


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