Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I agree with you two. Therefore, I've resurrected status.xml, added it
to our website again and prepared it so we can start using it after the

BTW, I think I'm through with all the things I wanted to do. What's left
- write the README/release notes
- Create a copy of the xdocs/trunk directory to xdocs/0.90alpha1.

Sorry to be picky, but the word "alpha" gives the impression that the release is alpha quality. I'd say it was beta quality by now. Anyway, I thought in the past we had agreed on calling it 0.90pr1, with "pr" meaning preview, which in IMHO sounds better than "alpha"

- do the (PMC) vote on the release.
- tag and release

If it's possible I'd like to start the vote tomorrow and do the release
around Thursday/Friday. That reasonable?

Sounds good.


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