Hi FOPpers,

See http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=40724 , kerning
doesn't work for me with user-specified CID fonts at the moment.

IIUC the code, org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.TextLayoutManager
expects unicode indexes for kerning pairs, but currently the TTFReader
writes glyph indexes in the XML file, like:

 <kerning kpx1="3">
   <pair kern="-279" kpx2="4"/>

Where 3 and 4 are glyph indexes (I'm playing with a test font with
very few glyphs, it's easier).

I've tried changing the TTFFile code to use unicode indexes for kpx1
and kpx2 and it seems to work - anything against making this change?


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