On Sat, Jan 13, 2007 at 08:27:20PM +0900, Manuel Mall wrote:
> On Saturday 13 January 2007 19:57, Vincent Hennebert wrote:

> > Well, again, the description of the "hyphenate" property (ยง7.9.4)
> > sounds clear to me: when false, "Hyphenation may not be used in the
> > line-breaking algorithm".
> >
> I still think this can be interpreted both ways. It clearly forbids 
> formatter generated hyphenation but does it also suppress user 
> specified hyphenation?
> In HTML there is no hyphenation but browsers are expected to honor the 
> SHY, that is treat it as a possible line break and if chosen put a 
> hyphen there otherwise discard the SHY. Given that XSL:FO is derived 
> from the HTML/CSS rendering model one could argue that this is the 
> default behaviour the XSL:FO authors most likely intended. If not it 
> would be difficult to construct a FO document that behaves with respect 
> to hyphenation and the SHY similar to HTML.

I agree with Manuel here: SHY should always be taken into account, and
always represents a linebreak opportunity.

> > <snip/>
> >
> > To summarize, my opinion is that:
> > - if "hyphenate" = false, no automatic hyphenation is performed, and
> >   soft hyphens are discarded
> > - if "hyphenate" = true, automatic hyphenation is performed, except
> > for any word that contains soft hyphens, in which case the soft
> > hyphens are used to create legal breakpoints.

I am not sure about this one.

Note that there is another way to let users override the automatic
hyphenation results. It is the equivalent of TeX's \hyphenation
command, which contains a list of fully hyphenated words which are
effectively added to the list of exceptions in the hyphenation
patterns. Every renderer has the freedom to provide a way for users to
specify such a list. This has nothing to do with the spec. It is part
of the hyphenation services of the renderer.


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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