Come on, guys, this is a serious topic.

Andreas Delmelle wrote:
On 20 Nov 2008, at 17:29, Dario Laera wrote:

Il giorno 19/nov/08, alle ore 09:37, Jeremias Maerki ha scritto:

How about calling the next version 2.009 (to be released in early

You may choose to compose a strange number like Knuth is doing with $\pi$ for \TeX versioning. What about $\sqrt{2}$? :P

Now there's an idea... Doing something with Euler's famous formula, perhaps:
\$-(e^(i*pi))\$  (=1.0) :-)

Just sticking to an 'ordinary' version number seems to dull anyway. I don't mind if anyone is confused, quite on the contrary.

The least we can do is to use the golden number [1]:
(1 + sqrt(5))/2 ≈ 1.6180339887

Incidentally this number has been used in book design for many years
[2]. Actually...



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