Hi Jeremias,

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Hey Vincent,
> the file is in the right place. What's less than ideal is that some XML
> serializers don't behave the same way which can cause minimal changes by
> the build. Maybe I also have to find out if I can run a canonicalizer to
> avoid unnecessary modifications to the XML files during the build. And
> no, the *EventProducer.xml files are not only under build/. They're
> all under src/java under version control. They contain message
> translations which are part of the (re)sources.

Right. Could have figured out by myself really. So the issue actually
was that the file hadn’t been put under version control the first time
it was created.

> More info: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/trunk/events.html#producer
> On 25.02.2009 11:48:08 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When updating my local copy after the merge of the IF branch I got an
>> error saying that the supposedly new
>> src/java/org/apache/fop/render/afp/AFPEventProducer.xml file was already
>> existing. IIC this file is generated at build time. Should it really be
>> under version control then? Also, should it reside in the src/ directory
>> at all? All the other *EventProducer.xml are created under build/ only.
>> Thanks,
>> Vincent

Sorry for the noise.

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