Dear Simon, dear Vincent, dear FOP developers,

after a lot of discussions (internally and externally), considerations
and testing we finally made up our minds. We will implement a new
machinery based on open-source libraries like Cairo and Pango. The
engine will be written in F# using Mono/.NET. It will be a kind of
.NET-XSL-FO processor.

Of course FOP will be one of our sources of inspiration and I know that
we have a lot of work to do in order to get equal or even better results.

Best regards
Martin Sievers


Diplom-Mathematiker Martin Sievers

Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und
Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften
Universität Trier
Fachbereich II / Germanistik
Universitätsring 15
54286 Trier

Projekte: Textgrid (Printmodul) / Workspace for Collaborative Editing

Raum: DM333 (3.OG B)

Telefon: 0651 201-3017
Telefax: 0651 201-3589
Skype:   martinsievers

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