Thank you for your suggestion but :

>>bla bla bla bla <fo:block border="0.5pt solid black">
>>blaWithBorders<fo:block>bla bla bla

does not draw the text which is located outside the block element, if the
whole thing is not nested inside another block element. And if i do nest the
whole thing inside another block element, the text located inside the nested
block element takes a whole line so there are three lines total.

Your second suggestion does not display a border at all. The inline element
does not seem to implement border attributes.

I really can't figure how to draw a border around a word that is placed in a
sentence? I think there must be a way to do so cause it must be pretty
common to draw borders and the fop developpers must have taken that into

please someone help me ;)


Rodolphe VAGNER a écrit :

> You should try attribute 'border'  in a fo:block :
> bla bla bla bla <fo:block border="0.5pt solid black">
> blaWithBorders<fo:block>bla bla bla
> Maybe a <fo:inline> instead of the fo:block would be better
> bla bla bla bla  <fo:inline border-left-width="thin"
> border-top-width="thin"...
> border-left-style="solid"..... >  blaWithBorders </fo:inline>bla bla bla
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 11:10 AM
> Subject: Drawing a border around a simple word
> > Hi all
> >
> > Does anyone know how to draw a border around a word placed in a
> > sentence?
> >
> > I would appreciate any suggestion very much ;)
> >
> > Franck
> >

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