It works!


 Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David and Harm,

I've just found the bugs, I think. I've fixed them in CVS and checked
them against 3 different SVG files generated by OpenOffice. They work
fine now. Either download FOP from CVS or wait until version 0.20.5rc2
which should be out on Monday.

Technical background:
I've found "0 0 0 0 0 0 cm" transformation matrices in the PDF code.
They came from rounding errors. I've dialed up the sensitivity of the
double formatting so now reasonable values get generated.

Will you please check with your SVG files and report back if it works?
Thanks a lot!

On 15.02.2003 19:52:39 David Bridgeland wrote:
> I get the same problem as Harm did a few weeks back. I am using an SVG exported from OpenOffice. I refer to it with a fo:external-graphic. Using FOP 0.20.5rc, I generate a PDF. But Acrobat complains about a "wrong operand type" and fails.
> I have isolated the problem to the viewbox. OpenOffice generates an SVG with a large viewbox:
> FOP produces an Acrobat-failing PDF with just an minimal SVG: just this viewbox, without any lines or polygons or anything. But if I change the minimal SVG viewbox to "0 0 207 270", it no longer fails.
> Does FOP's rendering engine (Batik?) have a bug dealing with big viewboxes??

Jeremias Maerki

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