If I convert the SVG file with the version of FOP, the PDF file is much
bigger (about 5 times). And a font I use (Arial) in the SVG file is changed
in the PDF file. With the version 0.20.5 works this correct. I think I use
the old version for the moment...

One more question:
Can I change the size (widht and height) of the generated PDF file?

Thanks and have a nice evening


"Jeremias Maerki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> That's easy. See below.
> On 11.03.2003 14:31:19 Hans Stoessel wrote:
> > In the attachment, you'll find a zipfile who contains the following
> >
> > test.svg -> svg file
> > chart.pdf -> created from test.svg, can't open in illustrator, only in
> > Reader
> > fehlermeldung.pdf -> error message if I try to open chart.pdf in adobe
> > illustrator 10 (mac)
> >
> > test big.svg -> bigger svg file
> >
> > The problem with the ClassNotFoundException occurs only if I try to
> > test big.svg. With test.svg it works.
> > And here the stacktrace:
> >
> > Hit Unbehandelte Exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
> > Hit Unbehandelte Exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
> > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/avalon/framework/ValuedEnum
> That's a class from avalon-framework.jar. Please put it in your
> classpath. This fact will be documented before we make the initial
> release of the PDF transcoder.
> <snip/>
> Jeremias Maerki

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