As I said, external-graphic is not suited to display multi-page images.
The behaviour of layouting multi-page images is not defined in the spec.

If the PostScript pages are the only content on a page and you use FOP
to basically print a header page only, then you could distill your PS
file to PDF (using GhostScript) and add the generated pages to the
header page generated in FOP using iText or something like that.

The other idea is to write a little Java class that parses the
PostScript file, and splits it in three parts: header, pages and trailer.
The header and trailer you store in memory and for each page you create
a new PS file with the header the page x and the trailer, so you get a
PS file for every page in the original file: -->,, Then you can use external-graphic to place every
page on the PDF. Parsing the PS should be real simple if they are in
ASCII-mode since you simply have to look for the DSC comments.

Does that help?

On 17.06.2003 13:18:29 Torsten Erler wrote:
> I use FOP among other things to create customer proofs for advertisements
> sold by our system.
> Now we've to implement selling of double-sided display ads (yellow pages
> etc...).
> The Advertisements are stored in postscript format (also the multipage ads).
> Now the proof now genereated by a stylesheet which consumes all related
> contract data (customer-data, publication-data and last but not least the
> URL's of all generated ad's).
> This ads will be inserted by <fo:external-grahic> tag.
> After creating the PDF File the result will be redistilled by ghostscript to
> make the postscript content visible also in Acrobat Reader for (EMail and
> FAX Proofing). The original result can be printed on postscript printer (to
> avoid loss of quality) for sending Proofs to cusotmers by snail mail.
> If I insert a multipage postscript file it sems to be the Renderer reservs
> only the space defined in the 'BoundingBox' DSC Comment for the whole
> document.
> But each %%page: and %%PageBoundingBox: is ignored respectively drawed into
> the boundingbox of the whole document.
> Do you know any soluition for that?
> Any help would be appreciated!!

Jeremias Maerki

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