The last one sounds good...

Any other Idea (don't know whether it works):
I've tried to distill the postscript file by GhostScript and the result
looks good.
It creates a pdf site for each postcript page.
Can I append/insert the created pdf into the original one, created by FOP?

cu and ThanX Torsten

> The other idea is to write a little Java class that parses the
> PostScript file, and splits it in three parts: header, pages
> and trailer.
> The header and trailer you store in memory and for each page
> you create
> a new PS file with the header the page x and the trailer, so you get a
> PS file for every page in the original file: -->,
>, Then you can use external-graphic to
> place every
> page on the PDF. Parsing the PS should be real simple if they are in
> ASCII-mode since you simply have to look for the DSC comments.

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