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> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: vrijdag 27 juni 2003 17:13
> Subject: Re: FW: Spurious space between table-header and table
> header.  
> >what i mean is this :
> >- -table is defined without explicit borders
> >- -header is defined without explicit side-borders ( only top &
> >bottom )
> >- -row, again is defined without explicit borders, but inherits
> >those 
> >            that were explicitly set in the header ( being a child
> > ), and 
> >            since the border-style property is not set for row
> >            it defaults to 'white/transparant/blank'  (? - one for
> > dev: 
> "this
> >correct?" )
> >            creating the mysterious gap
> >            and the 'misalignment' is due to the fact that the
> side-borders
> >            still are not defined. they only get defined at the
> bottom-level of
> >the
> >            header node
> >
> >et voila
> >
> .[ playing with this inheritance enables u to draw the exterior of
> .a box, leaving out the corners. get the pic? or the other way
> >round...]
> I must disagree -- the FO spec is quite clear: border properties,
> both style and width, are *not* inherited, unless of course you
> explicitly use value "inherited". If they are beeing propagated, it
> is a clear bug.  
> As to the misalignment, I also fail to understand why the header
> border gets to be drawn narrower than the cell border which is
> contained in it.  

well seems to be sth true 'bout what i said (though i wasn't at all

so did u try to add borders to the table-row in the header?
[curious to see what happens when we define borders on all three
levels in different 
colours... perhaps this would shed some light on the problem]



> thought borders should be drawn inside the elements area 
> rectangle, but I'm
> not sure. If they're supposed to be centered in the area limits, 
> this would
> explain the effect. Even if I define a border-left for the 
> header, the cell
> border still overlaps it. See the attached files with colored
> borders.  
> (See attached file: header-body.fo)(See attached file:
> header-body.pdf)  
> Can anyone shed a light on the subject?
> =============================================
> Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
> mailto:jaccoud [at] petrobras.com.br
> voice: +55 21 2534-3485
> fax: +55 21 2534-1809
> =============================================
> There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who 
> understand binary
> and those who don't.

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