Victor Mote wrote:
That is greatly appreciated. It sounds like you have a sizeable head-start
(over me anyway) on the details, and my guess is that without your efforts
it will be awhile before any of the developers would be able to do much on

I've created a bug in Bugzilla, 21420, which documents this issue. I've attached a patch to that bug which I've tested and appears to solve the problem.

In short, it turns out that Adobe CMYK JPG's appear to be the only ones that inexplicably inverse the pixel sample values, and that checking for the Adobe APPE marker is *not* a good way to confirm that Photoshop generated the image, as other applications use the Adobe APPE marker, which has become a sort of ad hoc standard.

I changed FOP to check a different region of the file for the text "Adobe Photoshop", which does indeed confirm that Photoshop generated the file.

Can you facilitate that patch being applied, if such falls within your responsibilities?



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