I've another update for the FOP webmaster.

Sun's new Java Advanced Imaging I/O Tools 1.0-RC plug-in writes CMYK JPGs in such a way that FOP believes the CMYK sample values are inverted when they are not. This leads to CMYK JPGs looking really, really bad.

When I force FOP to interpret the CMYK JPG as not inverted (by modifying the source code), they work as they should.

Can we document this issue on the website for posterity?

A likely fix would be to add a configuration option to FOP that forces JPGs to either be inverted or not inverted, regardless of what FOP thinks it should do? The code that presently determines whether or not to invert (JpegImage.java [fop-0_20_2-maintain], 214-215; see also 172-182) is rather approximate.

I'd be happy to contribute such a patch, if there is interest from the community / developers.


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