I heard Jeremias mentioned Chamelon(Spell) Colour can do the post process
but I never tried.


-----Original Message-----
From: Clay Leeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: CMKY

Ben Galbraith wrote:
> FOP does support CMYK JPEGs -- there's a previous thread on this issue
> that I participated in that should document it fairly well.
> XSL-FO may provide support for CMYK through its color space features;
> haven't studied it enough to grok it, not sure.
> FOP doesn't not support CMYK for the elements it renders.  However, I've
> found that post-processing the PDF is actually fairly straight-forward
> and enables introduction of both spot colors and CMYK colors.  This
> process involves searching through each object in the PDF and replacing
> the RGB commands (PDF: rg/RG) with CMYK (PDF: k/K) or color space (PDF:
> cs/CS, scn/SCN) commands.  It seemed scary at first, but actually not
> that bad.  If anyone has interest in learning more about this technique,
> let me know.
> Ben

I'm interested in this topic more because I'd like to add this type of
information to the FOP web site than for any other reason (my company
currently doesn't really care *that* much about color--but I'm
interested!). I assume you use some sort of post-processor like iText or
something? If you could create some sort of tutorial or something on how
to do this, I think it would be *very* useful. Sounds intriguing!

Web Maestro Clay

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