Actually I have a html-file. I am using Freemarker
to fill this html-file with values from a Java bean.
So after this step I still have a html-file.

This html-file is then ran through a program that
generates XSL-FO files. It is this XSL-FO file I
am running through FOP, which in turn renders the 
images ( by Driver.setRenderer( Driver.RENDER_TIF )

So the answer on your question "You have to get the images from somewhere",
is that I get the images when running FOP.

Maybe I am unclear, but I hope you understand what
I mean.


Ps.Since with the Driver class it's possible to generate PDF/PS-files,
maybe anybody knows a FREE Java-library/Batch-script that converts
PDF/PS to TIFF-file format ? Ds.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: Shrink size of images.

You have to get the images from somewhere. That means that you get
"dynamic" images from a servlet, for example, right? You may want to
check whether there are some options that can be sent to that
image-delivering servlet that makes the images smaller. You could also
implement some kind of a proxy-servlet with scales down the images it
fetches from another source (pretty inefficient, though).

On 27.11.2003 11:24:03 Gergely Hajdu wrote:
> Sorry,I don't really understand this. I get the image
> after I've ran FOP, i.e I don't have the image before
> and can therefore not manipulate it. My input to FOP
> is just a XSL-FO formatted template.

Jeremias Maerki

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