Hi again.

I use FOP to generate PDF documents from XSL-FO documents.

The resulting PDF documents contains a big table, and it uses a custom font (called ‘Signa’).

The font files needed are embedded in the document.

I used the PFMReader utility to generate XML metrics files from these 3 different font metrics files (PFM files).

The table in the PDF document typically uses right aligned cells.

My problem is, the columns are not properly aligned, a right aligned column gets to look something like this:

        12 363 474

           43 382 39


                 9 393

       64 484 505

               38 483


I tested with a base 14 font, no problems.

Could it be that the generated font metrics is incorrect?




Dennis JD Myrén


Oslo Kode Bureau

Tel:      (+47) 98 00 11 92


Web:   www.oslokb.no


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