
> > font models. I've had a look at iText, Batik and FOP. Since the FOP
> > community seems to be the most active, my message goes to this list ;-)
> FOP more active than iText? Interesting.

I'm rather turned towards Apache projects : that might bring a lack of
objectivity :-)

> > First question : is there any chance that the FOP programmers could be
> > day interested by other tables ?
> Not the FOP programmers as they seem to be quite happy with the current
> TrueType support.

Understandable : see other post ;-)

> But obviously there are other people like you who need
> a few thing in addition. That counts just as much.


> > You could answer : get a Unicode mapped font ! But... maybe if you have
> > look at the fonts I want to make available to the FOP font model, you
> > surely admit that I have a serious problem. Ready ? Click :
> > http://www.yare.org/egypt/files/gardiner.zip
> Very cool!!! (Not the problem, but the task)

Isn't it ?

> > So... second question :
> >
> > Any plan for TTFFile.writeXXX methods (vs. TTFFIle.readXXX ones) and/or
> > PFMFile.unloadXXX methods (vs. PFMFile.load XXX ones) ?
> No need until today. Obviously, functionality such as this is not quite
> in the scope of this project.

For sure. BTW, notice the difference in namings.

> On the other side we will soon reorganize
> the FOP and Batik projects under a new umbrella where I'd like to
> separate some of the basic components (for example the font subsystem)
> from the main project codebase.

That's one of the good news I was waiting for :-) I would be happy to
contribute to such a (sub ?)-project.

> > Notice that Batik is able to generate SVG fonts definitions
> > (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/fonts.html) for the afore mentioned font
> > It demonstrates that Batik is less picky than FOP about mappings (but I
> > still don't know if it is an advantage or not :-).
> I guess this is all about requirements.

Well, for FOP related ones... yes. Basically, the strategy is the following

1) Get the font contents. I've made it with Batik (apart an apparently
harmless ArrayOutOfBoundsException) and got SVG-Font outputs.
2) Remap the characters to "pseudo-Unicode" ones. Not difficult (but surely
3) Implement a layout strategy which will be based on control characters
(basically : "under" or "beside", the problem being that there can be a fair
amount of levels). Depending of what is before of after a character, the
position *and* the size of a hieroglyph should be adjusted. That is the main
difference with "classic" fonts behaviours.
4) Map this behaviour on a Java Objects (e.g. GlyphVector and FOP Text
components). Maybe the most difficult thing to do...
5) Consider font substitution when one has to deal with mixed
hieroglyphic/non-hieroglyphic characters.

> > Third question : are there any plans for supporting the SVG Font format
> One todo item is to support SVG fonts as Type 3 fonts in the PDF and PS
> Transcoders (SVG to XY transformation using Batik). But this is pretty
> low priority given our available resources.

Understandable as well.

> > So... how can this community help me ?
> As long as your work is at least partially within the scope of FOP
> (meaning you also want to generate PDF via XSL-FO and/or SVG with
> hieroglyphic fonts)

Yes : PDF exports would be one a great proof of concept. Having a
hieroglyphic capable AWT would be another one. I'm also working on it...

> On the contrary. If it's just the
> font subsystem you're interested in

Essentially at the moment...

Well... I'll continue my investigations but I would definitely be interested
in a font project at Apache's.



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