Hi Bob,

Thanks-- that worked just fine to get rid of the balnk page. However, I still see the title and copyright on separate pages when I want them both on the same cover page. I've been browsing your great document and I confess it seems a little daunting. I've tried the following:

Copying docbook-xsl-1.65.1/fo/titlepage.templates.xml  to my  titlepage.xml

running xslt as suggested to create my xsl:

xsltproc -output titlepage.xsl docbook-xsl-1.65.1/template/titlepage.xsl titlepage.xml

and then including it in my customization file:

<xsl:include href="titlepage.xsl"/>

Now I get:

[xslt] : Fatal Error! java.lang.RuntimeException: ElemTemplateElement error: Found more than one template named: book.titlepage.separator Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: ElemTemplateElement error: Found more than one template named: book.titlepage.separator

   Thanks, Jason

Bob Stayton wrote:

There is a workaround for this FOP problem in this message:


Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Novotny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 1:27 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] extra page between cover and chapter with docbook

Hi and sorry for posting a question that is likely asked numerous times
but i couldn't find it on the FAQ. I'm using the docbook stylesheets and
after using FOP to render the fop I see my title on one page, the
copyright info on the very top of the second page and the third page is
blank. Any idea what I can do to just render the title and copyright on
the same page and have the TOC start on page? This is my docbook below:

 <title>My Guide</title>
     <year>2003, 2004</year>
     <holder>My Project</holder>

<chapter id="intro">



Thanks very much, Jason

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