A long time ago, for an old (0.16) version of FOP:
http://jpfop.sourceforge.net/.  But this has fallen
out of date with both the maintenance and redesign
versions of FOP.  Currently only roomaji works.  ;)


--- Karl Critz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone ever successfully converted japanese text
> to PDF using FOP?
> I have tried converting the attached XML file to
> PDF.  The resulting
> file contains "#####" instead of japanese text, as
> shown in the
> screenshot.  Interestingly, the navigation hierarchy
> on the left does
> use the proper characters.
> details:
> * File is DocBook XML encoded in shift_jis
> * File contains katagana (full and half width) and
> kanji
> * Using FOP 0.20.5
> * Using Saxon as XSLT processor (also tried with
> Xalan)
> * Using Norm's docbook stylesheets v1.64.1 (slightly
> customized)
> * Using a japanese PDF reader
> For what it's worth, the same file processes just
> fine through Saxon to
> HTML and JADE to RTF.
> Does anyone have any idea why this is not working?
> -k

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="shift_jis"?>
> <!--<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook
> V4.2//EN'>-->
> <book lang="ja">
> <title>が設定されていません</title><?dbhtml
> filename="tja.html"?>
>    <bookinfo>
> <title>が設定されていません</title>
> <subtitle>ディレクトリ</subtitle>
>       <author>
> <firstname>が設定されていません</firstname>
>       </author>
>       <pubdate>10-Jun-2004 09:19:56</pubdate>
>       <copyright>
> <year>が設定されていません</year>
>       </copyright>
>       <abstract>
> <para>が設定されていません</para>
>       </abstract>
>       <legalnotice>
> <para>が設定されていません</para>
>       </legalnotice>
>    </bookinfo>
>    <chapter><?dbhtml filename="tja-001.html"?>
> <title>が設定されていません</title>
>       <table colsep="1" frame="all" pgwide="1"
> rowsep="1">
> <title>が設定されていません</title>
>          <tgroup cols="4">
>             <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
>             <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
>             <colspec colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
>             <colspec colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
>             <thead>
>                <row>
>                   <entry>0.95013</entry>
>                   <entry>0.8913</entry>
>                   <entry>0.82141</entry>
>                   <entry>0.92181</entry>
>                </row>
>             </thead>
>             <tbody>
>                <row>
>                   <entry>0.23114</entry>
>                   <entry>0.7621</entry>
>                   <entry>0.4447</entry>
>                   <entry>0.73821</entry>
>                </row>
>                <row>
>                   <entry>0.60684</entry>
>                   <entry>0.45647</entry>
>                   <entry>0.61543</entry>
>                   <entry>0.17627</entry>
>                </row>
>                <row>
>                   <entry>0.48598</entry>
>                   <entry>0.018504</entry>
>                   <entry>0.79194</entry>
>                   <entry>0.40571</entry>
>                </row>
>             </tbody>
>          </tgroup>
>       </table>
>    </chapter>
>    <chapter><?dbhtml filename="tja-002.html"?>
> <title>を含む変数名を表示</title>
>       <formalpara>
>          <title>kanji</title>
>          <para>日本秋</para>
>       </formalpara>
>       <formalpara>
> <title>hiragana</title>
> <para>あいうえお</para>
>       </formalpara>
>       <formalpara>
>          <title>katagana full-width</title>
>          <para>テスト</para>
>       </formalpara>
>       <formalpara>
>          <title>katagana half-width</title>
>          <para>テスト</para>
>       </formalpara>
>       <sect1><?dbhtml filename="tja-003.html"?>
> <title>ディレクトリ</title>
>          <formalpara><title>Name</title><para>figure
> 年月日</para>
> 年月日</para></formalpara>
>       </sect1>
>    </chapter>
> </book>>
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