Here goes the snippet:

<fo:table table-layout="fixed"  >
        <fo:table-column  column-width="15mm"/>
        <fo:table-column  column-width="15mm"/>
        <fo:table-column  column-width="28mm"/>
                <fo:table-row  >
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt"     text-align="left" >
                        <fo:block font-size="10pt"  background-color="#9999ff">Date</fo:block>        
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt"       text-align="center" >
                                <fo:block font-size="10pt" background-color="#9999ff">Employee Name</fo:block>
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt"       text-align="left" >
                                <fo:block font-size="10pt" background-color="#9999ff">Home Address/Official Address</fo:block>

The address spans over multiple lines.

Chris Bowditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

06/14/2004 04:10 PM
Please respond to fop-user

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: Table header colors.


Amita Rathore wrote:

> Now I am trying to create a table , the header of the table contains 4
> columns. The text for first column is as small as a single word , while
> for second it wraps across two lines.
> The problem is that I am trying to put a background color for the header
> cells with a padding of 2pts.

Are you defining the background color on the cell on the block within the
cell? Please provide a snippet of your XSL-FO.



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