Hi all,

I've a problem with the text-aling-last option in a fo:block element. The current template I've implemented needs to be justified, and so far it seemed to work correctly. But now I've encountered 1 problem with newlines which should not be justified (I use text-align-last=start for that). Because the data in the fo:block is inserted by a user, I've replaced all newlines inserted by the user with a "
" character.
For templates without justification, this works perfectly. Only now, with the justification FOP seems to ignore the text-align-last property on line-breaks created by this character.
Is this the expected behavour of FOP? And if so, does anyone know how I should terminate lines, so that the text-aling-last poperty is applied to them? The line termination should then be done within the XSL stylesheet, since I can't put any FO objects into the input XML file.

FYI, I'm still using FOP 0.20.4, because when I tried my templates on 0.20.5 the output differed on some points, which is not acceptable. And I've had no time to recreate the templates, so that they work with FOP 0.20.5.

I hope one of you can help me with this.

Wessel van Norel

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