Thanks.  You're right that some of this can be obtained
outside of FOP, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't 
regenerating statistics that were already available.

Thanks, again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: FOP Output Statistics (was Re: Different Pages with
different content)

On 25.08.2004 16:56:08 Clay Leeds wrote:
> There is not one that I am aware of 

Well, there is one little mechanism to fetch the number of pages and
page-sequences and the number of pages per page-sequence. See here:

On Aug 25, 2004, at 6:25 AM, Oosterbaan, Douglas S. (LNG-DAY) wrote:
> I'm running FOP as an embedded service.   What kind of statistics
> can I get back from FOP after it has completed formatting?  For
> example, can I get:
> -- page count

See above

> -- line count

Difficult, no.

> -- byte count

You can do that yourself:
Or do you mean character count?

> -- total formatting time

You can also measure that yourself easily.

> -- if an error occurred, can I get how many pages successfully
> formatted before the error?

By observing the logger.

> -- estimated percentage complete while it is in the middle of a large 
> formatting job?

Difficult. There are several factors that prohibit a reliable indication.

> -- any other data?

Jeremias Maerki

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