
At first, thanks to the dev for this wonderfull tools.

I need to generate a document in english, french, german and russian. All
the text are encoded in utf-8. Everything is fine except for russian. I
already read the thread of Nuno Lopes ("generating PDFs in non-english"
august 08) and I have a question :

Why should I change fop configuration to use base font ?
I read on http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#fonts that fonts that
come with X11 covers all European characters (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, intl.
phonetic alphabet, mathematical and technical symbols, in some fonts even
Armenian, Georgian, Katakana, Thai, and more).
Does fop use the X11 font ? In fop configuration it says that fop need X11
to be installed.
If not, which font does fop is using ?
If yes why the fop servlet doesn't found the cyrillic char and display
"####" ?

I don't want to use special font and embed it in the pdf. Base font should
be enough. Russian pdf created with Acrobat are well displayed on the client
computer, so I should be able to use standard font with fop.

Config : fop 0.20.5 in a customized servlet based on the exemple servlet,
running on a Apache Tomcat/5.0.16 on Apache Tomcat/5.0.16.

Cédric Augustin
Alcyonis - Solutions Interactives 
Tel : 04 97 24 40 04 

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