> Chris is right. The base14 fonts (Helvetica, Times and Courier, not
> Symbol and ZapfDingbats) are defined in ISO-Latin1 format (if 
> I remember
> correctly). You won't get around using an embedded 
> Unicode-TrueType font.

Thank you for your answer. I use the Thryomanes 1.2 font
(http://www.io.com/~hmiller/lang/) and it works fine but I got trouble with
encryption as said in bug

Is there anybody who did a patch to correct the code of the version 0.20.5
to avoid embed font to be destroyed by encryption ?
If no, is it easy for a basic java developper to do the back port from the
dev branch to the maintain branch code ? If yes, I could perhaps ask my boss
to give me few hours to do it... perhaps.
If no, I will try the iText post process.


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