I agree the same,
Sankat!.. Try to follow this link
, you don't have to build FOP for msgothic font.


 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> I agree with Rob.
> As I mentioned in my barcode thread, once you have
> the metrics file
> generated, embed the font and then reference it in
> your stylesheet.
> For example, I did some work with embedding Chinese
> characters in a
> document:
> Vector allFonts = new Vector();
> Vector allTrips = new Vector();
> allTrips.add(new FontTriplet("MS
> Song","normal","normal"));
> FontInfo fontInfo = new FontInfo("MS
> allFonts.add(fontInfo);
> Configuration.put("fonts", allFonts);
> Referenced in XSL:
> <fo:block font-family="MS Song"
> padding-bottom="1mm">
>       o
> </fo:block>
> Does this help?
> -Lou
>                       Rob Stote                     
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:  
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          
>                       ltech.com>               cc:  
> Subject: RE: Help required for Japanese FOP         
>                       10/26/2004 11:33              
>                       Please respond                
>                       to fop-user                   
> I'm jumping in here last minute but...
>         I am a little confused as to why you are
> "building FOP". We
> currently are dealing with Japanese customers, and
> have had no issues. Here
> is What I did:
> Generate the appropriate font metrics file
> Configure FOP via the fop-config.xml file to use and
> embed the font
> Reference the "font-family" in your stylesheet
> I might be missing something... Why are you trying
> to "build FOP". I can't
> speck for the developers, but I am assuming FOP was
> designed in such a way
> that you "use" fonts regardless of language, country
> etc... And you don't
> have to rebuild FOP to do so.
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sanket Desai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:45 AM
> Subject: Re: Help required for Japanese FOP
> Hi Balaji,
>         Your artical is very informative. Thanks for
> it. I referred to your
> artical. But, I am still facing problems. Bascially,
> my problem is related
> to building FOP with Japanese support (MSGothic)
> fonts. As per my previous
> mail, I generated font metrics file. But in that so
> many parameters are
> missing. For example "class-name", "embedFileName",
> "embedResourceFile"
> etc.. This thing I came to know when I looked into
> the MSGothic.java file.
> Apart from this, there are other parameters
> (actually variables in
> MSGothic.java file) like "lastChar", "firstChar" are
> also not initialized.
> So, it is basically problem of generated wrong .java
> file (i.e.
> MSGothic.java). I don't know from where will I get
> resource file and values
> for these parameters. So, if you can guide me then I
> will be very thankful
> to you.
> I hope you can understand my problem.
> thanks,
> Sanket.
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 06:26:53 +1000 (EST), Balaji
> Loganathan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Sanket,
> > See whether this article helps you ??
> >
> >
> > --- John Mok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Sanket Desai wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi John Mok,
> > > >
> > > >         Thanks for your reply. I tried to make
> > > font metrics for
> > > > MSGothic fonts. I used msgothic.ttf (It is TTF
> and
> > > not TTC).  That
> > > > generated msgothic.xml also. But when I tried
> to
> > > build the whole FOP,
> > > > I came to know that class for MSGothic doesn't
> > > have any name.
> > >
> > > If you succeeded to generated the font metrics
> file, e.g.
> > > msgothic.xml or any name you like, then you have
> to register the
> > > font metrics file in
> > >    a config. file referenced by your application
> or servlet, e.g.
> > > the a config file at
> /usr/local/fop-0.20.5/userconfig.xml,
> > > in which you build
> > >   the mappings for font "MSGothic" in reference
> to the font metrics
> > > file. Please refer to the section "Register
> Fonts with FOP" at :-
> > >
> > > http://xml.apache.org/fop/fonts.html
> > >
> > > For further details, please find the program
> examples in the FOP
> > > package.
> > >
> > > John Mok
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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> > > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > >
> > >
=== message truncated === 

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