
I've done a lot of searching of the mailing lists and other documentation on
how to run fop for large files. I'd really like to use the "-buf" option,
but I can't seem to get it to work; it doesn't understand it. I amm using
the release 0.20.5 of fop, with an up-to-date Cygwin and Java j2re1.4.2_05. 

In particular, I run the command:

fop.sh -buf buf_file sys_test_results.fo sys_test_results.pdf

from a Cygwin bash prompt in my working directory, and get the USAGE

Fop [options] [-fo|-xml] infile [-xsl file]
[-awt|-pdf|-mif|-pcl|-ps|-txt|-at|-print] <outfile>
  -d             debug mode
  -x             dump configuration settings

How can I get it to accept this parameter?

Ben Sewell

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