Looking at the FAQ I think I don't do anything wrong in my code coz I'm 
placing the attrbute linefeed-treatment="preserve" into it. The attr 
white-space-collapse I don't need or has nothing to do with the linefeed 
(I assume).
I understand that the linefeed-treatment attr is the one to specify this 
but still something else must go wrong here.
And what is meant in the FAQ with:
"Due to a bug in current versions of FOP, setting 
white-space-collapse="false" will also preserve line breaks in the text. 
Do not rely on this behavior, as it is non-conformant and will be changed. 
which "current versions" is that? 0.20.5? so this has nothing to do with 
0.20.4 which I'm using?
Any help is welcome,
Gunter D'Hondt

Chris Bowditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
23-11-2004 13:11
Please respond to


Re: [fop] linefeed-treatment="preserve" doesn't preserve the linefeed

Gunter D'Hondt wrote:


> which still outputs "Line1Line2" so it replaces the newline character 
> instead of "preserving" it
> Anybody who gots an idea what I'm doing wrong here? Any help is 

This is a FAQ. See:



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