nafise hassani wrote:

> Anybody knows how to Create PDF with Arabic words?
> Seems FOP-0.20.5(cocoon use it in its pdf serializer) cannot 
> handle Arabic glyphs/ligature properly. It can only display 
> the Arabic characters but the rules to ligate them together 
> cannot be displayed.
> also it show chars from left to right but  arabic is a right 
> to left language 

AFAIK, none of the open-source FO implementations handle either the bidi
issue or the ligature issue correctly. To handle the ligatures properly
requires (I think) the use of the OpenType GPOS tables. The commercial
implementations are your best bet right now. I think that RenderX handles
the bidi issue, but not the ligature issue correctly. I don't know about
Antenna House, but you might check with them as well:

Victor Mote

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