The problem is very clear . The FOP transformation fails when the
fo:external-graphics tag has a source to an image which is in secured
site(ex: "https://..../someimage.jpg";.  ) . Please let me know if you have
any ideas for this.

                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]     
                      de>                      cc:                              
                                               Subject: Re: Images and https    
                      03/07/2005 03:14                                          
                      Please respond                                            
                      to fop-user                                               

> This is what I get when I try to connect .I am trying to pull an image
> a secure site using fo:external-graphics tag. We have an Apache Web
> infront of an IBM Websphere App server. The call for image is made by the
> App server during the conversion of XML to FOP .
> unknown certificate
>       at Source)
>       at Source)
>       at Source)
>       at Source)
>       at Source)
>       at TestHttpsServlet.main(

The error message already describes the problem: there is an
unknown certificate in use. This most likely means the code
in question ins't configured to find an appropriate trusted
certificate for the root CA. Unfortunately, your problem
description is still quite vague, it isn't clear whether this
is a problem with the "secure site" or some client side code,
or whether the "secure site" is actually under your control.
Anyway, configuring HTTPS handling in Java ins't exactly the
topic of this mailing list. I suggest isolating the problem
(minimal Java code and processing setup, preferably *not* in
an app server), and ask again in an appropriate Java forum.


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