I thought it was an ANT problem. I am using ant 1.6.2 but the ant coming
with source code and binary distribution is ant1.5.1. I didn't modify
any of the build files (build.bat and build.xml) though I checked and
made sure the files are under the right folder.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas L. Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:44 PM
To: fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Subject: RE: Build FOP

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gang Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


> Dumb question asked again and again.

Reminds me of a saying:
"There are no dumb questions, there are only dumb answers."
Sure, there *are* silly questions, but yours does not strike me as


> But I seem to have problems rebuilding 0.20.5 source code.
> Following is the error message I got.
> file:C:/AppDown/fop-0.20.5/build.xml:438:
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.TraXLiaison

It definitely seems to be a (version-)problem with Ant.
Which version of Ant are you using to perform the build? (A bit of
browsing leads me to conclude that for older versions --pre 1.5-- there
was no 'TraXLiaison' taskdef.)




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