I already tried this alternate way, but it didn't change anything. 
(StrokeSVGText set to false)

The SVG contains more or less 40 to 60 graphics (g). Each one having text with 
ellipses, rect, and so on.

I tried the external Batik Rasterizer SVG to pdf conversion. The Pdf output is 
small (300k per SVG) ... and perfect.

The external-graphics tag included has two xsl-fo:blocks as parents (ie parent 
+ grandparent). Could it be the problem?
Second : As you'll see, the graphics blocks are all in one single page-sequence 
and flow. Is there a problem with that?

FO Abstract :

<fo:page-sequence master-reference="Title" font-family="Frutiger45Light">
        <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                <fo:block id="d1e390153.4pct_Sortierung_NF" break-before="page">
                        <fo:block text-align="center" padding-after="15pt">
content-type="content-type: xml/svg" block-                              
progression-dimension="17cm" inline-progression-dimension="25.7cm"/>
                (... + 48 times identical blocs with SVG graphics...)

Thank you for your help

Lawrence Michel

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juli 2005 16:04
An: fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Huge size of Output PDF when inserting 49 SVG Images

You can have a look at the strokeSVG switch:

If it's set to true all text is rendered as shapes and takes (1) more
time and (2) more space, but is (3) probably more accurate. Switching it
to false might help but can have side-effects.

Also be sure to give the process enough memory so the garbage collector
kicks in later.

Maybe that helps.

On 19.07.2005 15:55:45 michella wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an xsl-fo which inserts 49 SVG images into the PDF file. These
> files are diagrams, containing text and vectorial symbols.
> After launching the Fop processing, have a bath, coffee, and so on, I
> finally get a nice 730 MB Pdf file of 160 pages...
> The Word comparison is... 1.4 Mb...
> Is there any switch in FOP that might handle the SVG a bit more
> efficiently?
> FOP command :
> CALL ..\..\Tools\fop-0.20.5\fop -q -c
> ..\..\Tools\fop-0.20.5\conf\PostConfig.xml -fo
> ..\XSL-FO\pcs_Kommissionierung_automatisch.fo -pdf
> ..\Output\PDF\PA\pcs_Kommissionierung_automatisch.pdf
> XSL-FO Image import extract :
> <fo:block text-align="center" padding-after="15pt">
>               <fo:external-graphic
> src="../Output/Bilder/EA_Diagrammen/SVG/d0000206_PDF.svg"
> content-type="content-type: xml/svg" block-progression-dimension="17cm"
> inline-progression-                     dimension="25.7cm"/>
> </fo:block>
> The SVG width and Height have been set in a way that they fit a given
> area on the page.
> And here the header of the SVG :
> <svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; width="525" height="503"
> viewBox="-19 -14 1189 1140" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
> kerning="0" xml:space="preserve" style="stroke: black; fill: none;">
> <g>......</g>
> >/svg>

Jeremias Maerki

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