On Nov 25, 2005, at 22:14, Craig McDaniel wrote:

I am trying to debug a PDF rendering for a client where non-breaking
spaces are comming out as double question marks "??". FOP is being
called from a servlet. I have tried using the fop command line tool
and can not reproduce the problem. I have written an simple servlet on
another system that functionally does the same thing, and can not
reproduce the problem here either.

Any ideas what could cause this? Is it some kind of character encoding

Indeed. The question-marks are most likely related to:
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/nio/charset/ CharsetEncoder.html

The entity   is being used. What should my next step be
in debugging this?

Firstly: are you still using FOP 0.20.5? If so, can you try out the recent alpha release, and report if the problem still occurs?

If you can't (or are already using FOP 0.90alpha), I think the best bet is to go looking for places --in the servlet code, I presume-- where an XML declaration is hard-coded as a String literal or where a Charset is used that's different from the default (= UTF-8). I remember once tracking down a similar error in the FOP 0.20.5 SVGRenderer, and stumbling upon a literal XML declaration that indicated the file was going to be ISO-8859-1 encoded, while all output was in fact UTF-8...




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