On 09.12.2005 17:06:00 JBryant wrote:
> I did read the upgrading page. It doesn't mention scaling.

Well, it mentions instream-foreign-object and a Buzilla entry that
explains a lot there. But maybe we need to make that a little clearer.
Sounds like that FAQ Roland suggested might yet be necessary.

> > 1. A content-width="scale-to-fit" will do what you want.
> Well, no, it won't, actually. The trouble is that I don't want images that 
> are less than the width of the page to be expanded to the width of the 
> page. The old behavior of scaling images that exceeded the size of the 
> container to fit the container and leaving smaller images as is worked 
> perfectly. It may not have met the spec, but I regarded it as a feature of 
> FOP, as it saved me time I would otherwise spend scaling images by hand. 
> Anyway, that won't stop me from using the new version. I'll just scale all 
> the images and go merrily onward.

Ok, I understand. I didn't know that FOP 0.20.5 behaves like that. I've
done a few quick tests to see if I can get the effect you need but
haven't succeeded. I'll look into it again later.

> > 2. The XSL 1.1 bookmarks are implemented and produce PDF bookmarks.
> A message between developers that went by around the time of the 0.90alpha 
> release made me think they weren't yet implemented. I can't readily find 
> the message now, and I don't want to spend a lot of time looking for it. 
> Anyway, I guess I had a mistaken impression, so I'll try out the new 
> bookmark toys and see what I get. Also, the compliance page doesn't list 
> the three bookmark instructions.

D'oh. We forgot to update the compliance page for the XSL 1.1 properties.
I'll fix that.

> > What I don't understand is what you mean by "tinkering with
> > transforms". Would you please explain?
> The day you released 0.90alpha, I tried it against some of my documents 
> and found that I had to adjust some of my XSLT transforms to meet the 
> requirements of the new version. I don't recall exactly what I had to 
> adjust at this point. If memory serves, they were small changes caused by 
> 0.90alpha's tighter conformance to the spec. I'm about to do it again to 
> test the new bookmark instructions, so I'll let you know more detail soon 
> (later today).

The relaxed validation setting might help you there. But only a little.

Jeremias Maerki

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